We left our friends’ house to drive to the Spokane River Centennial Trail trail head where we would ride our last 20 miles to the Davenport Grand Hotel in downtown Spokane, where the HDSA Annual Convention is being held.
The Spokane River Centennial Trail is a designated National Recreation Trail. It is managed by Washington State Parks, but is cooperatively maintained by the jurisdictions it passes through. We found it to be a very pleasant ride, with varying scenery. Much of it is right along the Spokane River.
We arrived at our designated time to rousing cheers from the crowd of convention attendees. We couldn’t have asked for a more warm and encouraging welcome!
We got down to business, stowing bikes, registering, retrieving the van, and have been attending convention activities. They keep you busy! Looks like a very good turnout. They announced that the convention will be in Indianapolis next year.
All for now, thanks again for following our journey from western to eastern Washington!
Sherri, Mary Ann and Matt